Test NumberT03
Test NameSensor Validation
Test LeaderWolfgang Granig
SuitAouda.X, Aouda.S
Date02-03. Jan. 2017

The Sensor Validation test is directed by the test leader Wolfgang Granig. It is designed to test the functionality of all sensors possessed by the suit. Potential hazards within the tests are personal health problems of the Analog Astronaut due to wrong measurements causing too high CO2 or too low O2 levels in the suit or too high operator temperature. This test involves three subtests (A – C).

Analog stronaut with C1 sensor in helmet top positionAnalog astronaut with C1 sensor in helmet top position

Analog stronaut with C1 sensor in helmet top position

Subtest A: For this Subtest all available sensors have to be positioned as close together as possible to allow a reference measurement. During this procedure the temperature must be controllable. All sensor data is measured for 5 minutes settling time and 5 minutes sampling at temperatures of 25°
Celsius, 15° Celsius and 35° Celsius. At the end the results are analyzed and an individual temperature dependent offset of each sensor is calculated. Subtest A has a duration of approx. 1h 50.

Subtest B: In this test application measurements of the HUT (hard upper torso) and the helmet are performed. All sensor data is measured for 5 minutes settling time and 5 minutes sampling time at temperatures of 25° Celsius, 15° Celsius and 35° Celsius in the closed helmet and with higher CO2 and lower O2 concentration. At the end the results are analyzed and an individual temperature dependent offset of each sensor is calculated. Subtest B has a duration of approx. 1h 30.

Subtest C: In this test application measurements are performed with the whole suit (except the exoskeleton). All sensor data is measured for 10 minutes settling time and 5 minutes measurement time in different positions of the Analog Astronaut (helmet standard position, helmet top position, helmet bottom position, thorax position, belly position, tights position, lower leg position). Subtest C has a duration of approx. 3h 30.

Experiment Data

Test reportTest report
Test 03ASub-test 03A results
Test 03BSub-test 03B results
Test 03CSub-test 03C results
Images12 images files
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