
Last modified by jflunger on 2018/08/16 13:36


Experiment Data

02-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
03-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
04-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
06-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
07-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
08-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
12-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
15-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
16-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
18-Feb-2013 Geosciences data
19-Feb-2013 Geosciences data

Additional Publications

Losiak, A., Orgel, C., Moser, L., MacArthur, J., Gołębiowska, I., Wittek, S., . . . Hettrich, S. (2013). The Role of the Photogeologic Mapping in the Morocco 2013 Mars Analog Field Simulation (Austrian Space Forum). EGU General Assembly 2013.Full Text
Groemer G., Foresta L., Turetschek T., Bothe C., Boyd A., Dinkelaker A., . . . Zanella-Kux K. (2014). A case for using ground-based thermal inertia measurements to detect Martian caves. Astrobiology 14 (5): 431-7.Full Text
Orgel, C., Achorner, I., Losiak, A., Golebiowska, I., Rampey, M. & Groemer, G. (2013). Geological trainings for analogue astronauts: Lessons learned from MARS2013 expedition, Morocco. European Planetary Science Congress 2013.Full Text

Losiak A., Gołębiowska I., Orgel C., Moser L., MacArthur J., Boyd A., Hettrich S., Jones N., Groemer G. (2014). Remote science support during MARS2013: testing a map-based system of data processing and utilization for future long-duration planetary missions. Astrobiology, 14 (5), 417-430. 


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