
DescriptionQuantification of cross-contamination in an analogue environment under high fidelity
conditions and protocols to minimize the transfer of biological material
Principal Investigator (PI)Birgit Sattler
Organisation University of Innsbruck, Austria


If there was or is life on Mars, contamination issues play a crucial role in identifying substrata with biological origins and mitigating risks of backward contamination of the crew, the habitat and, eventually,  the  Earth’s  biosphere.  No  satisfying  contamination  control  protocols  have  been developed so far.  

BioMars addresses exactly this question by formulating procedures to minimize the cross-contamination  of  samples  and  crew.  In  order  to  measure  the  contamination,  a  drilling experiment will be carried out to take a subsurface sample at a depth of 20-50m and quantify the amount of material transferred in both directions by either means of marked bacteria or, alternatively, by chemicals (e.g. fluorescent substances) or granulous substrates.  


Quantification of cross-contamination in an analogue environment under high fidelity

Experiment Data

10-21 Apr 200618 files
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