
Last modified by Barry Bishop on 2018/02/26 22:00


DescriptionThe Tumbleweed is a wind-driven Mars rover that can be deployed to gather large-scale data of planetary surfaces.
Principal Investigator (PI)Moritz Stephan
Organisation Sir Karl Popper Schule


We want to test if the Tumbleweed will perform all of its functions as intended. The goal is that it lands safely, constructs its outer structure autonomously and starts the mission, during which the thermometer, barometer, magnetometer, and infrared data are collected, along with images of pre-specified targets (e.g. areas between dunes with a certain level of flatness or anything abnormal) which will be automatically sorted through the image recognition algorithm. Additionally, we want to observe the effectiveness of the solar cells, especially with regard to accumulating dirt, and the data transmission rates.


Through this experiment, we will be able to see if our principal structural design is fit for longer missions. Additionally, we can test the effectiveness of our data processing systems and solar panels.

Experiment Data

17-Feb-20186 'jpg' images
18-Feb-20183 'jpg' images
26-Feb-20183 'jpg' images
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