Cliffbot Cliff Reconnaissance Vehicle

Last modified by Barry Bishop on 2016/10/09 15:16


DescriptionCliff Reconnaissance Vehicle
Principal Investigator (PI)Alain Souchier, Stephan Gerard
Organisation Planète Mars Association (Mars Society French Chapter)


The Cliffbot is a vehicle designed for acquisition of information on slopes or holes which are not accessible by an astronaut in spacesuit


The scientific objective is:

  • to assess what type of information on the terrain may be acquired.

The technological objective is:

  • to assess what type of slopes and terrain are accessible by this vehicle.

New situations may possibly be found on glaciers such as narrow holes.

Experiment Data

06-Aug-2015 Scouting Scouting coordinates
09-Aug-2015 11 MP4 files and 11 THM files
12-Aug-2015 14 MP4 files and 14 THM files
Created by Barry Bishop on 2015/07/10 18:10
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