From version < 16.2 >
edited by Barry Bishop
on 2015/07/27 20:55
To version < 17.1 >
edited by Barry Bishop
on 2015/07/27 20:58
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21 21  |[[GPRoG>>doc:GPRoG Ground Penetrating Radar on Glaciers]]|Ground Penetrating Radar on Glaciers - Application of Ground Penetrating Radar for mapping and visualizing bedrock topography, estimating ice thickness and volume of the glacier.|Department of Geophysics and Seismology, University of Athens: Panepistimioupoli, 15701, Ilissia|Alexandra Zavitsanou
22 22  |[[LICHEN>>doc:LICHEN Relative dating of moraines]]|Relative dating of moraines - Analog astronauts will examine usefulness of methods or relative dating of moraines and determine their usefulness for future Mars missions.|Warsaw University|Maciej Dąbski, Anna Łosiak
23 23  |[[LIFE>>doc:LIFE Laser Indeuced Fluoresence Emission]]|Laser Induced Fluorescence Emission - Apply a laser-induced fluorescence emission technique to detect fluorescence bio-signatures in supraglacial habitats. Organisms can be traced by the detection of intracellular porphyrin derivates.|Institute of Ecology, Austrian Polar Research Institute, University of Innsbruck|Klemens Weisleitner, Birgit Sattler
24 -|[[MASE>>doc:MASE Glacier as Mars Analogue site for microbial Space Exploration]]|Glacier as Mars Analogue site for microbial Space Exploration - Assessing the habitability of Mars and detecting life, if it was ever there, depends on the knowledge of life itself and its tolerance towards (extreme) environmental conditions. In particular, many combinations of stress, such as high radiation conditions combined with high salt and low temperature, relevant for early Mars, have not been investigated.|Medical University Graz, Department of Internal Medicine, German Aerospace Center (DLR)|Dr. Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Petra Rettberg
25 25  |[[MaDe>>doc:MaDe - Dental treatment on mars]]|Dental treatment on mars - This research project showcases the technical feasibility of 3D Technology in combination with dental technology. This innovative approach presents a new field for human spaceflight. Based on a theoretical medical emergency case, the technical procedure will be simulated under ‘simulated Mars’ conditions. The results will be evaluated concerning future potential applications.|Space-craft Architektur; Meusburger Dentaltechnik|Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, Herwig Meusburger
25 +|[[MASE>>doc:MASE Glacier as Mars Analogue site for microbial Space Exploration]]|Glacier as Mars Analogue site for microbial Space Exploration - Assessing the habitability of Mars and detecting life, if it was ever there, depends on the knowledge of life itself and its tolerance towards (extreme) environmental conditions. In particular, many combinations of stress, such as high radiation conditions combined with high salt and low temperature, relevant for early Mars, have not been investigated.|Medical University Graz, Department of Internal Medicine, German Aerospace Center (DLR)|Dr. Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Petra Rettberg
26 26  |[[Puli Rocks>>doc:Puli Rocks Rover assistance to human explorers to find relevant rock samples]]|Rover assistance to human explorers - Rover assistance to human explorers to find relevant rock samples by scouting/mapping the exploration area. The rover moves remotely controlled over the surface of the planet to find points of interest for the analog astronauts.|Puli Space Technologies|Tibor Pacher, Mátyás Hazadi
27 27  |[[SPTSP>>doc:SPTSP Survey for Psychological Tools for Selection of Participants]]|Survey for Psychological Tools for Selection of Participants - Identify psychological tools for the diagnosis of personality traits that may provide prediction of participants’ behavior during the analog simulation, with particular emphasis on conflict situations.|Student Research Group of Aviation and Space Psychology, Warsaw University|Aleksandra Piotrowska
28 28  |[[VEMES>>doc:VEMES Virtualization Experiment for Mars Expedition Simulations]]|Virtualization Experiment for Mars Expedition Simulations - Joint virtual/real EVAs to be conducted, where 2 astronauts will be conducting a traditional EVA wearing the Aouda spacesuits, and 2 others will be conducting a very similar EVA in a virtual environment provided by V-ERAS. All four EVAs will be managed by the mission control centre. Performance of mission controllers and the requirements on them will be assessed, and the performance of the virtual environment will be compared to the traditional EVA for astronaut training purposes. Astronaut performance will also be assessed. |Italian Mars Society; ÖWF|Franco Carbognani, Gernot Grömer
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