
DescriptionDefinition of selection criteria and procedures for conflict management training. Stress perception and group dynamics
Principal Investigator (PI)Dr. Florian (Innsbruck) and Dr. Sheryl Bishop (Galveston)
Organisation University Innsbruck, Austria and University of Texas at Galveston


Research Area A: Selection Process
Output: definition of selection criteria and procedures for conflict management training, psychological select-out of unfit crew-applicants 

It was a goal of this project to study the psychological selection process, which lead to
the  selection  of  at  least  six  candidates,  who  were  needed  for  a  perfect  working  team  
under  extreme  isolation  conditions.  The  long  term  goal  was  to  find  scientific  selection  
criterias for future isolation studies and also to find solutions which are necessary for a
perfect  working  team  under  extreme  conditions.  The  researchers  used  the  same  
selection  criterias  as  NASA  and  ESA  use  when  they  select  Astronauts  and  other  
individuals  which  will  work  under  extreme  conditions  (Polar  Expeditions,  Underwater  
Expeditions).  In  a  three  stage  selection  process  the  PsychoMars  team  tried  to  find  
psychical  parameters  like  efficiency,  Multi-Tasking  capabilities,  Intelligence,  to  be  a  
good team player and so on. A more detailed description is given in the section about
the selection process in general.   

Reseach Area B: Stress preception and group dynamics
This suite of tests focussed on the development of sociological structures within the flight crew in the hab. The following dimensions were looked at: 

Mars Habitat II (45 min.): test suite 

  • Personal and group functioning survey  
  • group goals and goal accomplishment  
  • group processes like motivation, commitment, prosocial behaviour,  
  • strength of cohesion, relations in a sub-group;  
  • self    categorization    
  • polarisation in a group and sub-groups
  • ostracism and pressure to fulfil group norms
  • "Personal functioning" e.g. tiredness, stress, well being
  • Sheldon's perceived Stress (measuring the state of anxiety)
  • Brief Coping Questionnaire 

Neurocognitive parameters:  

  • Salivary assays (Cortisol), SLgA
  • Subjective       assessement       
  • Coghealth      

Mars-Habitat I: psychological interviews 


Goal A: definition of selection criteria and procedures for conflict management training,
psychological select-out of unfit crew-applicants
Goal B: Stress perception and group dynamics

Experiment Data

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