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1 = The AustroMars Science Programme =
4 **Based upon literature, current and past experiments from analogue environments and laboratory experience - combined with information from expert talks and conferences - a science rationale was formulated. Non-scientific aspects, such as the technical feasibility, cost, short term feasibility etc. led to the definition of the AustroMars Science Programme, which has been divided into individual experiments.**
6 Besides the individual experiments carried out during the mission itself, the crew selection processes and training sessions also served as a research platform.
8 The principal scientific objectives for Mars exploration include the search for evidence of ancient or extant life, the evolution of climate, the geological evolution of the planet, and the resulting inventory of its natural resources. These four principal science objectives have been recognized as essential elements in the current Mars exploration strategy, with a major emphasis on the search for ancient life.
10 This was carried out through orbital remote sensing, in situ analysis, and the return of samples to Earth for detailed study. The leading scientific disciplines involved include geology, geophysics, climate, meteorology, and exobiology. Others, like medicine or psychology are essential to keep the crew operational. Engineering and operational aspects were focussed on maximising the scientific range and output.
12 The AustroMars Final Report is available [[here>>attach:AustroMars Final Report.pdf||title="AustroMars Mission Report (8.1MB PDF)"]].
15 Experiments:
18 |=Name|=Description|=Organisation|=Principal Investigator
19 |[[BioMars>>doc:.BioMars.WebHome]]|Quantification of cross-contamination|University of Innsbruck, Austria|Birgit Sattler
20 |[[MedMars>>doc:.MedMars.WebHome]]|During the simulation phase of AustroMars, medical experiments and tests were carried out.| |Dr. Rosmarie Oberhammer
21 |[[LBNP>>doc:.LBNP.WebHome]]|Cardiovascular and hormonal reactions on presyncopal cardiovascular stress| |
22 |PschoMars|Selection process and stress perception and grozp dynamics| |
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